
samedi 21 septembre 2019

Energiewende : Our dear German friends are starting to seriously break our balls (4)

Ursula von der Leyen's mission letter to European Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson

« Your mission: I would like to entrust you with the role of Energy Commissioner. It is of paramount importance that Europeans have access to affordable, safe, reliable and clean energy.   Regional interconnectivity, a more efficient market for energy, research and innovation are essential to achieving these goals. To become the world's first climate-neutral continent, Europe needs to reduce its emissions faster and faster and by at least 50% by 2030. Given that energy production and use account for 75% of EU emissions, energy will have a central role to play in the Eu Green Agreement.

Safe, secure and sustainable energy: Building on the success of the Energy Union (???), you will focus on developing a properly functioning, integrated, interconnected and functioning European energy market. This will help keep prices low for consumers (???), increase the use of clean energy and make energy supply more reliable and secure. I want you to focus on the rapid implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy legislation. With this in mind, you should work closely with Member States to define their national energy and climate plans. Given the increased ambition of the European Green Agreement, you should assess the need to review the legislation.

You will make sure that Europe follows the principle of energy efficiency first. In this context, you should consider how Europe can further improve the energy performance of buildings and speed up renovation rates.

To accelerate the deployment of clean energy throughout the economy, you should promote an energy system largely based on renewable energy, with increased interconnectivity and improved energy storage. You should consider how to facilitate the intelligent integration of the electricity, heating, transport and industry sectors.

You will need to help establish the right signals and financial incentives to increase investment in clean energy, including through the new Investment Plan for Sustainable Europe. We also need to invest in the missing infrastructure of our energy system. This should help Europe achieve its goal of electrical interconnection and develop cross-border cooperation on renewable energy facilities and networks. You must support all regional cooperation efforts to improve integrated markets. »

Comment: Here’s again the dream of the European copper plate. Except that on several occasions, including in January 2018, a minor problem in Kosovo almost led to a general European blackout, the frequency of the French and European electricity system having dropped well below 50 Hz. Except that to protect themselves from the gigantic and uncontrollable variations of German wind power, Czechs and Polish are forced to set up transformers isolating their network. Our dear German friends should stop saying and doing anything with their Energiewende.

« Gas will have a role to play in the transition to a carbon-neutral economy, including carbon capture and storage. You will assess how sources of supply can be diversified at competitive prices, particularly by taking full advantage of the potential of affordable liquefied natural gas.»

Comment: 1) it is German policy (and more over politics) that aims to significantly increase the share of gas, not European policy, not French policy! By replacing their nuclear power with gas, the German are increasing carbon emissions, are replacing (slower!) their coal with gas, they will always have about ten times higher carbon emissions than France by electric KWh and give up ahead of hand to all their climate commitments. It's a crime!

2) Gas leads to an increased and dangerous dependence of the European Community on Russia and Ukraine in particular

3) This is in complete contradiction with the previous Commission and Commissioner Miguel Arias Caete who said : "In 2050 we will have completely decarbonised the European Union. The role of gas will not be the same."  and had even delivered a clear message to the gas industry: "We will soon not know what to do with your infrastructures"

« You will need to contribute to the design of the new carbon tax at the border, as well as to the revision of the Energy Tax Directive to ensure that it is in line with our neutral climate commitments. The EU is the world's largest energy importer, but about 85% of our imports are currently paid in dollars. As part of the wider efforts to increase the international role of the euro, I want you to look at ways to significantly increase the use of the euro in energy markets. »

Comment: complete failure so far and no hope of improving the situation. Even in the case of the purely American and illegal embargo against Iran, Europe was unable (and moreover did not want, in order not to penalize German car exports to the USA) to set up a system of exchange not going through the dollar.

"You will focus on improving nuclear safety and safeguards across Europe and continue the ongoing nuclear decommissioning.  We should make full use of treaty clauses that allow energy proposals to be adopted by codecision and qualified majority voting»

Comment: About nuclear energy, German position is absurd technically, economically, ecologically.
And reminder: the choice of the energy mix depends on the States, not the Commission! Paws down, Ursula! Verstand!)

"Empowering people and regions : People and regions will contribute to the transition to a cleaner, more efficient energy system. At the same time, we must support those most affected and exposed by the transformations, making sure that we leave no one behind.   I want you to focus on putting consumers at the heart of our energy system, including the full implementation of the revised design of the electricity market. »

Comment: so we continue full speed on the liberalisation of the electricity market, though experiences in California and England have shown it is catastrophic, and that is responsible in Europe for the soaring prices of electricity. Because these pseudo liberalisation do not make appear new electricity producers appear (too expensive, too risky), but fatten middlemen and profiteers, those in France who gobble on the ARENH (nuclear electricity that EDF is forced by European guidelines to sell them below the market price)

« You will need to seek to empower citizens and cooperatives to play an increased role in the use of renewable energy through self-consumption. »

Comment: This is the most effective way to de-optimize a system, and destroy equalization and equal tariffs, and throw away public service obligations

« You must contribute to the design and implementation of the new Fair Transition Fund, including ensuring that it provides targeted support to industrial regions, energy-intensive coal and energy isolates.  More than 50 million European households cannot afford to heat their homes properly. You should use the Energy Poverty Observatory to help Member States identify the areas that need support the most. As a general rule, you will work under the direction of the Executive Vice-President for the European Green Agreement. The Energy Directorate will support you in your work. »

Comment: How weird, how strange, the more ENR you inject into the power production, the higher the price. (actually no, it’s not strange, it is perfectly logic
The only abundant energy, economical, controllable, decarbonized, non-polluting, apart from hydraulics whose resources are limited, is the nuclear energy that you, German, want to decrease, or even banish!

« The way forward. The mission described above is neither exhaustive nor prescriptive. There will undoubtedly be other opportunities and challenges over the next five years. On all of these issues, I would ask you to work closely with me and other members of the College. Once there is more clarity, we should be prepared to pave the way for an ambitious and strategic partnership with the United Kingdom. I look forward to working closely together on what is an exciting and testing period for our Commission. You can of course count on my full personal and political support before your hearing in the European Parliament and throughout our mandate.  Ursula von der Leyen"

Kadri Simson :

Kadri Simson, born on 22 January 1977 in Tartu, is an Estonian politician and member of the Centre Party (EK). She is Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure from November 23, 2016 to April 29, 2019. It should be noted that during the Estonian Presidency of the Union (December 2017), it supported very favourable positrons for Germany, proposing to keep until 2035 the possibility of using coal-fired power plants for capacity mechanisms (production of last resort)

General comment

Germany is experiencing a complete failure with its Energiewende,- despite its 29,000 wind turbines, despite total support for renewable energy in Germany which reached 680 billion euros, Germany has not decreased by one iota its carbon emissions. It is a triple climatic, ecological (coal until 2035) and bloody economic failure. By leaving nuclear power (in 2020, what's more, before the coal shutdown!), the Germans are giving up on fulfilling their climate commitments!

Aware of this failure of the Energiewende, our dear German ex-friends are determined to protect their interests by tackling in every way possible the competitive advantages of those who do not want to make their mistakes, and in particular France with its nuclear power.  

To be clear, ganz klar, the Mission Letter from the Energy Commissioner literally means this: Germany declares an economic war on France. We're going to have to take note of that. For my part, I believe that I will refrain as much as possible from all contacts with German organizations, any purchase of goods or services of German companies..

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