
jeudi 15 avril 2021

Germans for nuclear energy ?

 A remarkable initiative of the Voices of Nuclear for the inclusion of nuclear power in European taxonomy: 46 environmental NGOs, mainly European and for some foreign to the Union, have called for nuclear power to be taken into account in european taxonomy in the name of combating climate change. This initiative is unprecedented in its scale.

 Cf. Letter to Ursula Von Der Leyen président commission européenne , ;

 Among the signatory organizations, 3 Germans. The sign of a change in German public opinion ?

Deutscher arbeitgeber verbank: Liberals in favor of nuclear energy "The German Employers' Association was founded in 1948 when all professional associations were closed by the victorious powers after the Second World War. The main inspiration was Ludwig Erhard, prophet of ordoliberalism. The founders of the association, committed middle-class entrepreneurs and economists, saw the need to free the economy from the clutches of politics and to clearly define and limit the role of the state. So I would say, some kind of liberal think tank.

Positions on nuclear and energy transition:

Ten requirements: start a new energy and environmental policy now!

Energiewende must be abolished now ! : All intermittent green energy (i.e. wind, solar) that are still subsidized by the EEG today must cease to be subsidized and compete in the market - after 30 years of subsidy, they no longer need the "protection of puppies". The addition of new "green" energies may remain permitted, but without a buy-back priority or long-term fixed remuneration. 

 Section 51 of the EEG must be amended so that in the event of negative stock prices of more than five hours, the owners of the system do not receive remuneration, but on the contrary pay a charge equal to the negative prices of electricity. This would effectively prevent the injection of phantom and wasted electricity and limit the priority of powering older systems at times when electricity is worth something. The increase in network charges must also be passed on to wind and solar power plant operators

 The life of the six remaining nuclear power plants will be extended by 20 years guaranteed by an international treaty. They were commissioned between 1984 and 1989 and are still far from reaching the end of their technical lifespan. A majority of the population is already in favour of this solution

 Energy research must once again be oriented in a technologically neutral way... modern and promising developments in nuclear technology must be generously funded.

 The federal government must work to ensure that EU funding rules are changed under the 'taxonomy' and 'green pact' rules so that investments in nuclear technology are promoted or made possible. There are enough EU member states that support the inclusion of nuclear power.

 Damage and opportunity of energy policy: In December of last year, the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research in Boston published a study on the real costs of eliminating nuclear power in Germany. The authors calculate that the elimination of German nuclear power has cost us about $12 billion a year by 2017. The majority of costs resulted from more than 1,000 premature deaths each year due to higher respiratory diseases due to nuclear elimination and higher electricity exchange prices

 The annual net costs of German energy policy are around 100 billion euros... In 2018: grid charges, which are largely due to the energy transition (17.7 billion), electricity tax 6.6 billion euros (about 0.02 euros. In total, the energy transition alone cost the electricity sector 50.4 billion euros in 2018.

 Other topics: “Nasty fibers” insist on carbon fibers in wind turbines and on the considerable carcinogenic pollution posed by the not-so-rare fire of wind turbines.

 Hydrogen economy: cheap energy sources are needed ! "The central aspect of costs when using hydrogen is the cost of production... nuclear reactors for hydrogen production could also be used in Germany. The construction and operation of nuclear reactors is also permitted after 2022. Article 7 of the Atomic Energy Act prohibits only the operation of nuclear reactors "for commercial electricity production". For the hydrogen economy, nuclear technology could therefore become the gateway to success


Nuklearia: Fighting myths and misinformation

 Nuklearia sees nuclear energy as an essential pillar of energy supply. What for? Because nuclear power is available in far more than enough quantities, 24 hours a day. Nuclear energy requires much less space and land artificialization than wind and solar, and it is providing a baseload....The knowledge of nuclear energy is not sufficiently widespread in the population. Instead of knowledge, there is usually only misinformation or myths... We are working against this misinformation and founded Nuklearia eV for this purpose.

 Nuklearia, via Rainer Klute, seems linked to an evolution of the German Pirate Party in favour of nuclear power

 About Fukushima: "One thing struck me very quickly: what the German media reported was not what I had just learned about nuclear power plants. Nor did it correspond to what NHK World reported or what I was able to look for on the types of Fukushima-Daiichi reactors. And not only the Bildzeitung headlined on "atomic horror", but also the more serious Handelsblatt. Although I had only recently begun to study nuclear energy and radiation, I soon realized that many so-called media experts lacked basic knowledge.

 It pissed me off ! Why did the media do that? Why did they speculate wildly? Why did they play with people's fears? Why did they not provide factual and concrete information about what was happening in Japan?  For me, this has led to a strong will to counter this misinformation in the media with real information. I was a member of the Pirate Party at the time, and there I found like-minded people on nuclear power. In October 2011, we founded a working group within the Pirate Party. »

Position on Nuclear: Nuclear power is part of the Green Deal!

 "This week, 46 environmental organizations around the world, including Nuklearia e. V., sent an open letter to the European Commission. The signatories, led by the French  Voices for Nuclear, are calling for nuclear energy to be part of the European Green Deal and the EU taxonomy for sustainable financing ("EU taxonomy"). The Green Deal is an EU funding programme for green investments with a budget of one trillion euros. The EU taxonomy is a catalogue of criteria that defines which investments in energy supply are sustainable in terms of the environment...

 Rainer Klute, president of Nuklearia e. V. states: "This initiative towards the European Commission fits perfectly into our fight for the preservation of germany's last six nuclear power plants, SaveGER6. If we closed coal-fired power plants instead, it would be by far the most effective and at the same time the cheapest climate protection measure.»

ÖKomoderne: use all available techniques to counter climate change !

"We believe that technologies that other environmental organizations reject, such as civil nuclear energy and green genetic engineering, can make irreplaceable contributions to the prevention of threats such as climate change, ocean acidification, water shortages and soil erosion. The negative aspects of these technologies are often overestimated and not compared to the risks of not using the technology.»

Is there any hope, then, that Germany will question its anti-nuclear folly? We must also recall the initiative of two figures of the German ecological movement, Rainer Moormann and Anna Wendland who published in the Zeit of 20 July 2020 an article entitled: "Stop the elimination of nuclear power! (Stoppt den Atomausstieg!)


  "It makes no sense to keep the lignite power plants that are particularly damaging to the climate and to shut down nuclear power plants... Without long-term electricity storage, the solution is that gas is not climate-acceptable and implies too much dependence on Russia... We must therefore stop the elimination of nuclear power and allow the remaining nuclear power plants to continue to operate for a decade... If the necessary essential progress on the path of large storage had not been made by 2030, the construction of new nuclear power plants should also be considered. »


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